science Examining the text-to-image community of practice Presentation of the Creativity & Cognition 2023 paper Deep learning uncertainty in interactive machine teaching Presentation of our paper at IUI 2022 Marcelle: Composing interactive Machine Learning workflows and interfaces Meet Marcelle: a toolkit to build human-ML interactions presented at UIST21 How do people teach a machine? Strategies and (mis)understandings Presentation of our paper at CSCW21 Advancing AI literacy among high school students with Interactive Machine Learning Debrief of the worshops I conducted with 17 years old high school students in 2021 and 2022. In collaboration with the association TRACES. art Cor Epiglottae An interactive installation created during the Inria creative Hackathon 2021. Figures Dissidentes A collaboration with the artist Rita Hajj Teachable Pianocktail Design and realisation of the fictionnal pianocktail from the french author Boris Vian.