Téo Sanchez

Photo by Tanja Huber
teo [dot] sanchez [at] hm [dot] edu

I am a postdoctoral researcher specializing in human-AI interaction. I am a Marie-Skłodowska Curie (MSCA) fellow at the Munich Interactive Intelligence Initiative (MI3) at LMU, university of Munich, working with Prof. Ophelia Deroy. My project will investigate How does human agency shape machine learning understanding?

My primary research focus is on understanding how people comprehend and can interact with AI systems. I am interested in designing both inclusive and reflective interactions with machine learning systems.

Second, I study communities of practice that develop around AI technology in the creative and cultural industries. This thread of research spans from the study of early artists that incorporated AI in their practice in the latter half of 2010s, to the recent recreative and online communities centered on text-to-image generation.

📰 News

Dec 1, 2024 🇪🇺 I obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) postdoctoral fellowship from the European Commission. I will be working for two years at LMU, at the Munich Interactive Intelligence Initiative (MI3), with Prof. Ophelia Deroy. My project How does human agency shape machine learning understanding? will be starting on the 1st of January 2025. Looking forward to start this exciting collaboration!
Nov 27, 2024 Today, Marius Thoma, a bachelor’s student I supervised, is defending his thesis on simulating teacher-student interactions at MUC.DAI. Congratulations! 🎉
Jul 2, 2024 I will welcome Fani Kalamara, master student in HCI at Université Paris-Saclay for an intensive research stay at MUC.DAI, Hochschule München Universsity of Applied Sciences. We will be working on our research project investigating user testing strategies in machine learning auditing.
Jun 4, 2024 I have been awarded a Franco-Bavarian mobility funding from BayFrance, the french-bavarian centre for university cooperation. Together with Dr. Baptiste Caramiaux, we will be working on our project “Citizens teaching machines: participatory training and auditing of AI systems”.
Apr 10, 2024 Today, Carole Maria, a bachelor’s student I supervised, is defending her thesis on interactive machine learning tools for behavioral experiments at MUC.DAI. Congratulations! 🎉

📄 Selected publications

  1. Comparing Teaching Strategies of a Machine Learning-based Prosthetic Arm
    Vaynee Sungeelee,  Sanchez,  Téo, and Baptiste Jarrassé
    In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2024
  2. C&C
    Examining the Text-to-Image Community of Practice: Why and How do People Prompt Generative AIs?
    Téo Sanchez
    In Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2023
  3. Interactive Machine Teaching with and for Novices
    Téo Sanchez
    Université Paris-Saclay, 2022
    🏆 Best dissertation award 2022 from the AFIHM
  4. Deep Learning Uncertainty in Machine Teaching
    Téo SanchezBaptiste CaramiauxPierre Thiel, and Wendy Mackay
    In IUI 2022-27th Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2022
    🏆 Best paper award
  5. How do People Train a Machine? Strategies and (Mis) Understandings
    In CSCW 2021-The 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2021
  6. Marcelle: Composing Interactive Machine Learning Workflows and Interfaces
    Jules FrançoiseBaptiste Caramiaux, and Téo Sanchez
    In Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST’21), 2021